The past experienced a surge in the focus placed on core development throughout fitness and wellness. What is the core? The core are muscles around the trunk of our body. Take away the limbs and head then what will be left over is mostly our core. The major muscles of the core are in the abdominal and back muscles. They act as the foundation for all leg and arm postures right up to head standing. 

Improperly practice with the core muscles and then a greater predisposition to injury will occur. It is fundamental to strengthen as a first step to a regular yoga practice. Health of the spine and internal organs are benefitted when practicing through core based postures. So core postures are truly the heart and centre of all yoga practices.

During dynamic yoga movements, the core stabilizes the chest and pelvis. Yoga movements that are dynamic and limb based are unstable without a strong core. Power moves from the core to the limbs. Strengthening and keeping a strong core is vital as a step to approaching limb based postures. Tennis players, golfers and boxers use the core to deliver their swings. Loosened and lengthened core muscles results in more speed and range of the limbs with any racket or club. Such increased range of limbs is significant in sports.

Prior to any practice warm-up the core is required. Always include core poses in your warm-up routine prior to or after joint preparations. Dedicate a day or two out of the week to focus on strong sessions of core muscles while enabling the limbs to rest. Yoga postures from east facing pose, locust, wheel, boat and lying leg lifts strengthen our core.

Although there are many benefits yet we must approach the core in a progressive manner. This is especially true for anyone with back pains. People with lower back problems may injure themselves when trying boat postures or leg lifting. 

Experience back pains after classes requires focusing on resolving or at least stabilizing core problems before moving onto limbs. Avoid forward bends when there are lower back issues. Usually bending the knees and keeping the spine straight while minimizing the range of movement may stop most issues. Good core practices will uphold spinal health, resulting in good posture. Well-developed cores make a person appear taller, upright and confident.

Practicing core sequences is vital for detoxification. A balanced core provides internal pressure to expel waste. Training our core stimulate peristalses which are waves of involuntary muscular contractions involved in moving food through the intestines.

Maintaining a fit core through yoga enhance asana for limbs, detoxifies the body, reduce injuries and improve posture to create a body free of pain and add a confident appearance.

Abdominal exercises are excellent warm-ups for other postures with the pelvis and abdomen forming the foundation of the body.

Concentrate at first on toughening joint capsules, tendons, ligaments, and the fascia sheathes that envelop muscles. The practical method for accomplishing these aims is to build strength, and to do this from the inside out, starting with the central muscles of the torso and then moving from there to the extremities.


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